Add Class Participants: Teachers/Students

KidsLipi streamlines the process of welcoming both new teachers and students to your classes. Follow these steps to ensure every participant, whether a teacher or a student, is correctly added and assigned, thus enhancing the educational experience for everyone involved.

Adding a New Participant (Teacher or Student)

  1. Select School Details: Start by choosing the appropriate school term, school, and class from the dropdown lists.

  2. Open 'Add User' Dialog: Click the 'New' button located in the right corner. This will open the 'Add User' dialog box with your selections pre-filled.

  3. Enter Participant Details: Provide the participant's FirstName, LastName, and Primary Email. Select their role ('Teacher' or 'Student') from the dropdown menu. Ensure the 'Active' checkbox is marked to enable registration with the KidsLipi mobile app.

    NOTE: The 'Secondary Email' field is optional and is particularly useful for students, allowing notifications to be sent to both of a student's parents if desired. This field is not required but can be valuable for enhanced communication.

  4. Finalize Addition: After filling out the form, click 'Add' to complete the process. Use 'Cancel' to close the dialog box without adding.

Linking an Existing Participant

  • If the participant (teacher or student) is already in the system, establish their class connection by clicking 'Link'. Search for the user, then click 'Add' to link them to the selected

This procedure ensures that all class participants, regardless of their role, are properly added or linked within KidsLipi, facilitating a well-organized and effective learning environment.

Last updated