User Management

In KidsLipi, managing class participants effectively is key. This guide shows you how to add new users, connect existing ones to classes, oversee user activations, and import multiple users efficiently.

How to Add or Connect Users:

  • Add New Users: Click the 'New' button to open the 'Add New' dialog box. Fill out the form and click the 'Add' button to save their information in the system.

  • Connect Existing Users to Classes: Click the 'Link' button to open the 'Add Class User' dialog box, then search and select users to assign them to the selected class.

Useful Links on This Page:

  • Bulk Upload: Easily add multiple users to various classes and schools at once.

  • Pending Activation Report: Identify users who haven't activated their account yet.

  • Completed Activation Report: Verify who has completed their setup and is active in class.

Updating User Information:

  • The user grid lists all participants. To modify any details, click the 'Edit' button next to their name.

By ensuring each step is followed, you'll have everyone set up correctly in KidsLipi, facilitating a smoother educational process.

Let's dive into how to add new teachers. Simple steps ensure everyone needed is included in your class, ready for teaching.

Last updated